OSGK::EmbeddingOptions Struct Reference

Embedding options object. More...

#include <OffscreenGecko/embedding.h>

Inheritance diagram for OSGK::EmbeddingOptions:

OSGK::CXXAPI::Wrap< OSGK_EmbeddingOptions >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void AddComponentsPath (const char *path)
 Add a path with application-specific XPCOM components and type libraries.
void AddSearchPath (const char *path)
 Add a path to be searched for XULrunner upon initialization.
 EmbeddingOptions (WrappedType *obj)
 EmbeddingOptions ()
 Create a new embedding options object.
EmbeddingOptionsoperator= (const EmbeddingOptions &other)
void SetProfileDir (const char *profileDir, const char *localProfileDir=0)
 Set the profile directory used by XULrunner.

Detailed Description

Embedding options object.

Encapsulates parameters for configuring creation and initialization of the embedding environment.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OSGK::EmbeddingOptions::EmbeddingOptions (  )  [inline]

Create a new embedding options object.

OSGK::EmbeddingOptions::EmbeddingOptions ( WrappedType obj  )  [inline, explicit]

Member Function Documentation

void OSGK::EmbeddingOptions::AddComponentsPath ( const char *  path  )  [inline]

Add a path with application-specific XPCOM components and type libraries.

path Components path to add.

void OSGK::EmbeddingOptions::AddSearchPath ( const char *  path  )  [inline]

Add a path to be searched for XULrunner upon initialization.

path Search path to add.

EmbeddingOptions& OSGK::EmbeddingOptions::operator= ( const EmbeddingOptions other  )  [inline]

void OSGK::EmbeddingOptions::SetProfileDir ( const char *  profileDir,
const char *  localProfileDir = 0 
) [inline]

Set the profile directory used by XULrunner.

This directory stores persistent data such as caches and preferences.

profileDir The profile directory.
localProfileDir Optionally the "local" profile directory, "local" in the sense of machine-local (as opposed to the "normal" profile directory which is assumed to be possibly accessed via network). If given, the "local" directory is used to store data which would be rather large for network transfer and isn't required to "follow" the user around (such as caches). If not given the "normal" profile directory is used for such data as well.
A profile directory is optional; XULrunner works without, but obviously preferences can't be stored, and startup may be slower due the unavailability of some caches (especially when custom components are used). The directory will be created if needed.

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Generated on Sun Nov 2 18:15:18 2008 for OffscreenGecko by  doxygen 1.5.4